Четверг, 07 марта 2019 20:37
World Bank: Croatia Energy Sector Note - September 2018 - eng (pdf)
Croatia joined the European Union (EU) in 2013, and the energy sector has been undergoing liberalization, deregulation, and unbundling of state-owned energy utilities. Croatia haswelcomed a number of new public and private energy companies. The Croatian power exchange was established in 2014 and commenced operation in 2016 as a platform for electricity trade. This report reviews energy intensity (EI) and energy efficiency (EE) status in Croatia.
Дополнительная информация
- Серия: Международные организации / World Bank / Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Studies / Energy Study
- Год: 2018
- Месяц: 9 (III квартал)
- Источник: World Bank
Скачать вложения:
- World Bank: Croatia Energy Sector Note - September 2018 - eng (pdf) (545 Скачиваний)
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