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Пятница, 29 марта 2019 12:12

OECD: SMEs: Key drivers of green and inclusive growth - March 2019 - eng (pdf)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) are important stakeholders for both environmental and economic policymaking. Among OECD countries, they represent roughly 99.7% of all enterprises and 60% of total employment. Simultaneously, while their individual environmental footprint is small, on aggregate, SMEs contribute up to 70% of industrial pollution in Europe. Thus, they have tremendous potential as drivers of green and inclusive growth. Through a comprehensive literature review, this issue paper assesses the trade-offs and synergies between SMEs’ ability to deliver green growth – through greening processes like eco-innovation and adoption of green measures - and their ability to contribute to inclusive growth – through job creation and inclusive business models. This issue paper also reviews relevant policy measures that can help SMEs navigate the opportunities and challenges in delivering green and inclusive growth.

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