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Четверг, 28 декабря 2017 21:12

QECF: Annual Statistical Bulletin 2017 - eng (pdf) Избранное

When we reviewed the organizational structure of the Secretariat we were very keen to establish an independent department for data, Statistics and IT services. This was simply because we believed that our analysis of the market for both short and long term will be credible when they are based on authentic data preferably from primary sources. This was even more important for us as we were completing a Global Gas Model to prepare GECF Gas Outlook for long term.

It was a long way to go for collecting primary data from member countries. At the first place while bringing the importance of our task to the attention of Honourable Ministers of member countries we requested them to appoint “Special Envoys for Data & Statistics” to be the focal point for this important subject. We also organized a regular annual meeting of Special Envoys for Data and Statistics “SEDAS” through which we discussed all the process of this important mission. Of course it took us several years to be able to collect regular data from member countries. Then we immediately embarked on our goal of having an “Annual Statistical Bulletin” to publish the primary data on Gas. This was a real challenge! But thanks to the endeavours of our colleagues in the Secretariat and the assistance of SEDAS and Executive Board members and of course with the guidance of Honourable Ministers we were able to fulfil this important mission. Now the first edition of Annual Statistical Bulletin is before you. It is a very valuable bulletin containing data from primary sources that are the most authentic ones. The book comprises of different sections starting
from macroeconomics to gas data then to individual countries data. I hope it will be adding to the authenticity of our analysis and hence to furthering the credibility of GECF.

SM Hossein Adeli, PhD
Secretary General

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